Category: Cubs


Cat frenzy

Continuing the pet theme, we discussed cats this week …and budgie’s too (since snakes and mice went without carnage last week). Akela arranged for a real cat to come for a visit and Kye...


Pets at the hall

Continuing the pet visits to our hall, this week we had the potentially disastrous combination of a turtle, a snake …and a mouse. Fortunately the snake was neither adventurous nor hungry and the mouse...


Campfire cooking

The boys made themselves a billy and then cooked 3-minute noodles on the fire. If only Chil could light a fire that didn’t smoke so much! Hayley has volunteered to take over as chief...


OMG We’re farewelling another one!

Dear Noah, we’ll miss you. We hope that you and your family enjoy living in Queensland. You’re always welcome to visit if you’re in Newcastle again. At least we got a beautiful night for...


A perfect night for riding

We had a beautiful night out riding around the foreshore of Lake Macquarie, this time starting in Elebana. Alexander did a great job of explaining by example the importance of correct seat height and...


They grow up too fast…

We farewelled James tonight as he has finished linking up to Scouts. Enjoy Scouts buddy! Lachlan had a birthday and brought along an awesome chocolate cake …and we did some knotting (several boys received...


Mother’s Night

A lovely walk with the Mums (and a few other special people) for camp fires on the sand at Pelican. The boys cooked raisin toast and marshmallows (separately) and some weren’t even burnt! Thanks...


Hiking from Akela’s

The track was a bit overgrown but well worth the trouble. We saw a lizard perched in a tree and a small snake on the track. We might have even made some progress on...


Construction experts

We constructed some hoopla targets and some sausage cookers, which involved drilling, sanding and careful construction. The boys then built a fire and a wall …of noise! Thanks to Owen for the sausage cookers...