Holiday activity

Just in case you’re bored during the holidays, here’s a quick woodwork idea for you to try. Just make a simple rectangle from some scrap timber (probably 30 x 10 mm wood, two pieces about 300mm long and two pieces about 180mm long but just use what you can find – nail the long pieces to the ends of the short pieces, like we did with the bird houses). Sit the completed rectangle on some plywood or scrap board that completely covers the base. Trace around the rectangle with a pencil and cut out the base. Drill some quite big holes in the base to let water through (I drilled about 8 holes with an 9mm drill). If you can find some, cover the base with flyscreen and then nail to the bottom of the rectangle (with the flyscreen sandwiched between the base and the rectangle). Nail or tie your completed bird feeder in a high place and fill with a bit of wild bird seed mix (you’ll have to get that from the shop but it isn’t too expensive).

I only installed mine yesterday and already the local birds have spotted it and are feasting away. If you make one, see if you can identify the birds that turn up and take some photos or draw them. Final hint: don’t install it over anything that can’t cope with scattered bird seed and a little bit of bird poo! Definitely not something for the edge of Mum and Dad’s carport.

Kye, I made this in less than 10 minutes with my nail gun and it’s super solid. Your dad really needs one!

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